Having a business in the aesthetic industry is a bit funny, when part of the company brand is that you are already amazing and beautiful and do not need our services to achieve some narrow ideal of what beauty is.
At Mill City Laser, we do not to sell you image or that our services will help you be the best version of yourself.
Our laser can do some pretty fantastic things; it can make hair not come back and it can improve the appearance of wrinkles, spots, and discoloration. BUT maybe you love your freckles and they are a part of your aesthetic AND that would be okay. Maybe you have a large sun spot on your cheek and want it to not be there anymore AND that would be okay. Maybe your laugh lines are memories of all the good times you have had, so you do not care about them and that would be okay. Maybe you want to keep laugh lines at bay for just a wee bit longer so you can age similarly to your amazing partner who does not seem to age, and that would be okay.
We view our laser services as a way to express you and be the you that you want to be.
Mill City Laser is about supporting folks on their journey and we are here to laser the things you want lasered.
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”