Have a no pressure chat to learn how you can achieve your hair removal and skin care goals
Virtual, phone, or in-person!
Have a no pressure chat to learn how you can achieve your hair removal and skin care goals
Virtual, phone, or in-person!
Our reviews speak for themselves. Check out our five star rating on Google. We have been in business for 8+ years and have the positive results to show for it. No one else in Minnesota (maybe anywhere) offers laser based on time.
Laser treatments can be good for the environment because you reduce: water use, aerosol cans from shaving cream, and plastic from razors / packaging. Avoid skin irritation and drop the razors and sticky wax.
I'm Hannah Aderinkomi. I've lived in Minneapolis for 25 years and don't plan on leaving. Minneapolis is a great city that deserves to zap hair affordably, which is why we created our unique time based model.
Laser hair removal and skin care is all we do so we can focus on being the best. Our services include the reduction of: hair | sun spots | fine lines | broken | wrinkles | capillaries | redness | cherry angiomas.